Custom Training and Consulting
Who Should Attend
Current users who want to customize Origin to automate their routine work. This is often accomplished by a small amount of programming, and making good use of Graph Templates and Analysis Templates.
Benefits to Participants
- Access to the most experienced Origin experts, which will result in huge savings in time and cost.
- Work directly with developers who understand the inner details of Origin, to find the most efficient way to accomplish your tasks.
- Program and customize Origin in the right way, to allow for easy future maintenance of your customization.
Included in the Fee
- 4 hours of fully customized session with an instructor, to get Origin to do what you need it to do, in the most efficient way.
- Up to 4 hours of follow-up consulting work by the instructor, to finish up the scripting or customization project, so that you can continue to modify and maintain the work.
Dr. C. P. Yang:
Co-founder of Originlab and the original creator of Origin
Dr. Easwar Iyer:
Director of Technology and Services at Originlab
Dr. Marko Ledvij:
Originlab Senior Developer and Software Architect